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FAQs - Treatment Services Solicitations

Treatment Services Solicitations

Q: Is Quest one of your approved vendors to do the testing as testing would be done there not just collection and mail out.
Q: Is the U.S. Probation Office soliciting for a particular service such as residential treatment, intensive outpatient treatment, outpatient treatment, individuals, detox, etc.?
Q: Can the contracting agency discontinue the contract if needed at the yearly intervals should significant health issues arise? What would happen at that point? Would Probation have to re-open contracting? Would the contracting agency be responsible for fin
Q: Over the past five years there have been significant changes in circumstance, COVID and telehealth being one of the most pronounced changes. What options, if any, are available to contracting agencies should changes be needed (i.e., telehealth options)?
Q: According to the Solicitation, it appears that all sex offender and mental health clients must receive an evaluation by the treating agency at the onset of treatment. Is this correct?